Пересыпная станция перегрузочного комплекса угля и руды.

Пересыпная станция перегрузочного комплекса угля и руды.




Свидетельство о членстве<br> СРО Союз "МООСС" на строительные работы<br> от 12.08.2009

    • "FISHT" Central Olympic Stadium for 40.000 seat
      Sochi 2011-2013
    • "SPARTAK" football stadium with 45.000 seats
      Moscow, 2013-2014
    • "KRASNODAR football stadium with 33,000 seats.
      Krasnodar 2014-2015
    • "KALININGRAD football stadium with 45,000 seats.
      Kaliningrad 2015-2017
    • «VTB Arena-stadium «Dynamo»
      14.000 + 30.000 seat. Moscow 2015-2018
    • Sea port "TEMRUK " Transloading terminals of coal, iron ore, sulphur, fertilizers Krasnodar region, Taman, 2018-2022
    • "FISHT" Central Olympic Stadium for 40.000 seats
      Sochi 2011-2013
    • GSA “Luzhniki” 88 000 seat
      Moscow 2014-2017
    • “Kazan Arena” football stadium 45.000 seat
      Kazan 2012-2013
    • “Rostov Arena” football stadium 45.000 seat
      Rostov-on-Don 2015-2017
    • “Centralny” Stadium 35.000 seat
      Yekaterinburg 2015-2016
    • Rhythmic Gymnastics Center of BSA "Luzhniki" Olympic Complex
      Moscow 2017-2018
    • Спорткомплекс с водным стадионом и ледовым дворцом
      Калуга, 2019-2020
    • Cross functional Ice Arena
      Nizhny Novgorod, 2023-2024


    The Production and Construction Company "STEELCON," LLC Moscow was established in 1993.

    The Company is increasing its production resources and seeks to dominate the all-Russian designing market, metalwork supply and construction of large-scale objects with bearing metal structures.

    The company also works out the channels for entering the global market.

    PSF "STEELCON" offers the services in building of objects:

    • Football stadiums
    • Covered ice arenas
    • Airports
    • Shopping malls
    • Freezer terminals
    • Logistics Parks
    • Oil storage from 60,000 cubic meters
    • Iron-and-steel works buildings
    • Fish processing and canning plants buildings
    • Steel  bridges and bridge decking

    Фото 4